Woo-hoo! The first batch of books have made it to California (at least the advance copies for the upcoming book launch and signing this Friday night Dec 4th).

Like a welcome set appearing on the horizon, along with this batch of books, two new links made a sudden appearance today that you might find worth your time checking out…


And if you’re in the Southern California / Orange County area this coming Friday night Dec. 4th, stop in to our official book launch and signing at the Surfing Heritage & Culture Center in San Clemente, CA from 6-9pm.  If you can make it, try to get there by 6:30pm, as Kevin and I are going to put on a mercifully brief 15 minute slide show and about the same in Q&A. Should be a fun evening.


Surfing Heritage And Culture Center
110 Calle Iglesia
San Clemente, CA 92672

We hope to see you there, in person or spirit!

First batch of books has arrived

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